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Bible Study Notes

The Exodus


I. Exodus 12: 21-28

    A. Moses instructs the people on what is to happen at midnight, that this will be a lasting ordinance in the Promised Land

    B. It happened just as Moses told people it would. Households, prisoners, cattle all without protection faced the 12th plague. God knew Pharaoh would respond this

         time.  The “divine” Pharaoh asks Moses for a blessing!

    C.  Pharaoh sends for Moses, tells him to leave.  Egyptians afraid to have Israelites stay any longer

    D.  600,000 men, beside women and children = 2 million people.  Almost double population every generation of 40 years. “Many other people left with them”.  Took

         Joseph’s bones

    E. v 43-49.  Regulations on the Passover.

    F.  Chapter 13: Dedication of Firstborn

    G. Chapter 14; Initial SE route would have taken them into Wilderness, not good for Egypt’s chariot forces. Would have taken them past Red Sea on their right.  God

          shifted route to more southerly route, hemmed in by the desert and Red Sea. 

    H.  After initial shock of firstborn deaths, Pharaoh angry at having let Israel go.  Would not have pursued them in wilderness, but learning of their S route, took 600

         chariots to pursue. Led by pillar of cloud by day, pillar of fire by night; pillars remained in front

    I. Pharaoh seems to have thought Israel had taken 3 day journey to wilderness for sacrifice and would return.  When they go south, appeared to be fleeing, Pharaoh

        pursues with 600 chariots (1:1000).  God seems to be baiting Pharaoh to pursue.  Pharaoh catches up while they are camping by Red Sea.

    J. Israel afraid, regretted leaving Egypt; Moses promises deliverance.  God will harden heart of Ph

    K. Pillar (angel of the Lord) withdrew from front, goes to rear, insulating them from Egyptians.

    L.  During night, east wind blows (normally N-S) making dry land path.

    M. Israel crosses.  When Egypt tries to pursue, wheels come off, chaos (clogged with sand, mud become broken. .  Egypt wants to retreat, recognized God is with

         Israel, but not one Egyptian escaped – God’s purpose!  Israel sees God’s power – also God’s purpose.  


II  Desert Honeymoon

    A.  Honeymoons are generally romantic get aways.  But they are intended to be a time of the groom and bride sharing and learning about each other. God wanted

         Israel to learn to trust Him, and Israel needed to see God’s power.

    B.  Moses was the mediator.  When Israel complained to Moses, Moses took the complaint to God. 

        i. First stop at Red Sea was the curtain raiser.  Ch 15 shows ‘bridal response’.  When they arrive    at Marah, water is bitter, but God heals.  God’s test is that if they

           follow his ways, he would not inflict them like the Egyptians, “I am the Lord who heals you.”  But it’s an if…then, conditional          offer, not free.  Come to Elim                 with 12 springs/70 palm trees.

        ii  Second stop: Wilderness of Sin one month later (16:1)  Grumbled against Moses and Aaron     for lack of food. Moses brings community to see God’s glory.

           Through Moses,  God promises meat and water. Quail covers camp in evening, manna in morning.

        iii. (Ch 17)Rephidim in Wilderness of Sinai.  Complain about coming to die of thirst, Moses     about to be stoned, takes it to the Lord. Told to strike rock at Horeb

             to get water.  God questions why they are so testing (Massah) and quarrelsome (Meribah)

        iv. Battle with Amalekites.   Former slaves defeat Amalekite army.  Afterward, Moses builds an altar, calls it the Lord is My Banner (Jehovah-Nissi).  Banners are

            reminders of victory. 

III. At Mt Sinai

    A. (Ch 4:18-27) Moses’ preparations for his mission.  Leaders are not exempt!

    B. (Ch 18) Moses’ father-in-law visits.  Returns with Moses wife and two sons.

       1. Delegate:  God gives power or resources to do task


IV.  Staying at Mt Sinai

    A. (Ch 19) Arrival at Mt Sinai. Month 3.   Meeting with His people (His Bride)  Exchange of vows

    B. Moses called to Summit Meeting.  Instructions for people in interim

    C. (Ch 20) Commandments given.  Motivational signs given – fear of the Lord.

      1. Ten Commandments – How to get along with God (I-III);

                                                 How to get along with family of God (IV-X) .

    D. (Ch 21-22)  Situational laws

    E. (Ch 23) More situational laws (Note required festivals in verses 14-19

    F. (Ch 24) 40 day Summit to give law and commandments. 

      1.  Aaron and 2 sons, 70 elders, and Moses called to come up, but only Moses could approach

      2.  People were not to come up

      3.  Moses reported all God had said; people said they would obey

      4.  Moses builds altar at foot of mountain; sacrifice – blood ratified the covenant; Moses and previous group return and “see” God in glory and beauty, instead of                   smoke and fire.  Group has a holy meal with God.

      5.  Moses called up again to receive stone tablets; Joshua, his aide goes with him

      6.  Mountain covered with cloud for 6 days; Moses called forward n 7th day

      7.  People see glory of the Lord as an allll consuming fire enveloping mountain; Moses enters       cloud and remains 40 days

    G. (Ch 25) Setting up the Tabernacle.  Ark, Table, Lampstand. Specifically note Ark

    H.  (Ch 26) Constructing the Tabernacle

      1. Mobile, God’s Presence among the people

      2. Preview of Jersusalem Temple

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